Monday, October 25, 2010


                Even though I've got a case of the Mondays today, I’m excited that it’s Halloween week. It’s a funny thing to be able to transform yourself for one night (or several if you’re like me). My roommate Lei says she always has to work pigtails into her costume somehow because it’s the only time she can get away with wearing them. I totally agree—fishnets, bright red lipstick, TONS of makeup; it’s all fair game. I don’t smoke, but I’m pumped to hold my Audrey Hepburn-esk cigarette holder all night. Plus, all diets are off this week and I’ll be baking like a madwoman (probably while reading Jane Eyre and Frankenstein).
                Well, I’m off to a meeting with my advisor to plan the rest of my life here at Southern.
Happy Haunting!
Had a great time with my Grandparents who came to visit this weekend. Their pup, Heidi was an adorable match for Monti.

Liz, Kenzie, and I took a walk around West Rock Friday.

Liz and I. Loved the view with all the leaves turning.


  1. making cupcakes tomorrow...and i have apples for apple crisp...should i make something to bring for halloween? =)
