Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rain, rain go away

          Yes, it's finally March! The shortest (yet longest feeling) month of the year is over. They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but in New England, it's pretty much a lion-lamb hybrid throughout. So far this month, the climate has been rainy. Definitely preferable to snow and ice, but it can be a bit dismal. Everyone seems to be sick of staying inside and the taste of sun last week seemed to spark some spring fever.
          Since I am extremely warm blooded, I was not one of those girls Friday wearing dresses and flats. But in anticipation of the coming season, I've been wearing brighter colors (nothing like hot pink rain boots to brighten up a dark day), and punching things up with flowers. I never wear this flower headband, but I was feeling like spring this week and it was the perfect solution.
          And after a rainy weekend of being inside, whipping up some Irish-themed cupcakes cured both my sweet tooth and spring fever. Yum!
          How do you cure spring fever?

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